Today: September 13, 2024

Save the West Papua Friendship Mural on Larrakia Land Darwin, Australia

Darwin, Tabloid-Wani — Award winning International film maker Anthony Ash Brennan of
Punks for West Papua – The Documentary filming new documentary
today in Darwin – with supporters of a FREE WEST PAPUA who were
warmly welcomed by Senior Traditional owner Larrakia June Mills
with Peter Elaby Paganak, members of Free West Papua Campaign,
Freedom Flotilla to West Papua, Australians for a Free West Papua
and friends and families in solidarity with the people of West Papua.

The people of West Papua faced great danger today as they came out in
thousands and thousands to demand peacefully an independent fact
finding mission into West Papua as part of their road to inevitable independence.
There are unconfirmed reports of hundreds of arrests – in May alone, over 2300 peaceful West Papuan independence supporters were arrested and detained.

But Our Australian Government do not act – do not care – do not choose to stand
up against cruel Indonesia even though they know the TRUTH
of the renowned genocide throughout West Papua that continues today.
Our Australian Govt work WITH Indonesia to support and fuel the murderous genocide regime.

But we, the people of Australia and here in Darwin will stand strong for you –
just as we all did for the people of East Timor who faced the same cruel
occupiers that you now and still face. Timor Leste now has it’s historical story
of freedom – a story that you too, the people of West Papua will, with help will also hold. A story yet to be told, a story that each chapter you write every day.

Save the West Papua Friendship Mural, Darwin


In July 2015, a really cool woman named Tamara arrived in Darwin for the 2015
West Papua Freedom forum coordinated by Freedom Flotilla to West Papua.
Tamara conceptualised and cooinordinated the West Papua friendship mural –
painted by Tamara, June Mills and many West Papuan activists and their
families and friends in Darwin. The friendship mural has been up in Darwin
for almost a year now – it has faced censorship by third parties, faced vandalism
by members of the Indonesian consulate – twice – and now faces removal
after the Indonesian Consul in Darwin conveyed his ‘offence’ to the
Morning Star flag – in Darwin, on LARRAKIA LAND in Australia.
The Indonesian Consul in Darwin and former interpreter for SBY,
Andre Siregar complained to the Northern Territory Government and also
informed Jakarta of the Morning Star frienship mural in Darwin –
embarresed of the strength of the Morning Star – trying to cover up
the truth of the genocide of our friends and neighbours – offended by a
friendship cultural mural – whose symbols of dignity, peace and pride
transcends any Indonesian government understanding of humanity and
strength – a strength that they fear so much – so fearful of a piece of art –
what are they afraid of? They fear Human kind – human rights – human justice – human descency – human connection – and the human ability of the people of West Papua to fight in the face of guns, weapons, torture. They are afraid of the truth.

Australians for a Free West Papua would like to acknowledge Aunty June Mills
and Larrakia people, past and present. Today, we were respectfully blessed and the freindhsip muarl culturally smoked – we sood on a sacred place of friendship
between the Larrakia. the Indigenous sovereign owners of this beautiful Land
and the Indigenous peoples of West Papua.

Together, we acknowledged the Indigenous people of West Papua, past
and present and we remember every moment of the survivors in West Papua
in their daily brave, strong struggle for Independence – those friends just across the sea, who face daily fear, violence, murder and torture by cruel Indonesian forces.

The repugnant and real genocide committed on a beautiful, rich people who
struggle everyday – to the people of West Papua – we honour you, respect you,
cry for you, will fight for you and believe in you all – and we will continue to do whatever it takes to help you receive your MERDEKA, your long hard fought for independence from savage, colonial, murderous occupying Indonesian rule.
Free West Papua.

            Photographs, as always, courtesy of VAUGHAN WILLIAMS            
Save the West Papua Friendship Mural on Larrakia Land Darwin, Australia
Save the West Papua Friendship Mural on Larrakia Land Darwin, Australia
Save the West Papua Friendship Mural on Larrakia Land Darwin, Australia
Save the West Papua Friendship Mural on Larrakia Land Darwin, Australia
Save the West Papua Friendship Mural on Larrakia Land Darwin, Australia
Save the West Papua Friendship Mural on Larrakia Land Darwin, Australia
Save the West Papua Friendship Mural on Larrakia Land Darwin, Australia
Save the West Papua Friendship Mural on Larrakia Land Darwin, Australia
Save the West Papua Friendship Mural on Larrakia Land Darwin, Australia
Save the West Papua Friendship Mural on Larrakia Land Darwin, Australia
Save the West Papua Friendship Mural on Larrakia Land Darwin, Australia
Save the West Papua Friendship Mural on Larrakia Land Darwin, Australia
Save the West Papua Friendship Mural on Larrakia Land Darwin, Australia
Save the West Papua Friendship Mural on Larrakia Land Darwin, Australia
Save the West Papua Friendship Mural on Larrakia Land Darwin, Australia
Save the West Papua Friendship Mural on Larrakia Land Darwin, Australia
Save the West Papua Friendship Mural on Larrakia Land Darwin, Australia
Save the West Papua Friendship Mural on Larrakia Land Darwin, Australia
Save the West Papua Friendship Mural on Larrakia Land Darwin, Australia
Save the West Papua Friendship Mural on Larrakia Land Darwin, Australia
Save the West Papua Friendship Mural on Larrakia Land Darwin, Australia
Save the West Papua Friendship Mural on Larrakia Land Darwin, Australia
Save the West Papua Friendship Mural on Larrakia Land Darwin, Australia
Save the West Papua Friendship Mural on Larrakia Land Darwin, Australia
Save the West Papua Friendship Mural on Larrakia Land Darwin, Australia
Save the West Papua Friendship Mural on Larrakia Land Darwin, Australia
Save the West Papua Friendship Mural on Larrakia Land Darwin, Australia
Save the West Papua Friendship Mural on Larrakia Land Darwin, Australia
Save the West Papua Friendship Mural on Larrakia Land Darwin, Australia
Save the West Papua Friendship Mural on Larrakia Land Darwin, Australia
Save the West Papua Friendship Mural on Larrakia Land Darwin, Australia
Save the West Papua Friendship Mural on Larrakia Land Darwin, Australia
Save the West Papua Friendship Mural on Larrakia Land Darwin, Australia
Save the West Papua Friendship Mural on Larrakia Land Darwin, Australia
Save the West Papua Friendship Mural on Larrakia Land Darwin, Australia
Save the West Papua Friendship Mural on Larrakia Land Darwin, Australia
Save the West Papua Friendship Mural on Larrakia Land Darwin, Australia
Save the West Papua Friendship Mural on Larrakia Land Darwin, Australia
Save the West Papua Friendship Mural on Larrakia Land Darwin, Australia
Save the West Papua Friendship Mural on Larrakia Land Darwin, Australia
Save the West Papua Friendship Mural on Larrakia Land Darwin, Australia
Save the West Papua Friendship Mural on Larrakia Land Darwin, Australia
Save the West Papua Friendship Mural on Larrakia Land Darwin, Australia
Save the West Papua Friendship Mural on Larrakia Land Darwin, Australia

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